Tuesday 28 May 2013

きょうのキラ君(Todays Kira kun)

Well After reading 16 chapters of this im not particularly fond of it anymore, the story seems kind of lame, but I do like the addition of that guy who had a man crush on Kira lolol. Anyways I bought the first three volumes several months ago, and was pretty impressed but thought the story dumbed down to a mediocre shoujo near the end of the third volume. Nevertheless I will continue to read it, and will reccomend it for a nice read in the beginning.

Thursday 23 May 2013



The other day happened to finish Hana ni kedamono( A flower to a monster), it was around must say I enjoyed it quite a bit. The premise of the story is rather typical of a shoujo story. The main male character starts out like a huge asshole which I hate alot, but then again I happen to like this Mangaka's works regardless. Recommended read(Y)!